讲授6门研究生课程,包括服务计算与系统、应用开发与运作平台、管理与信息系统等。主要研究方向包括软件服务工程、服务计算、云计算、情境计算、工作流、企业信息化等,承担了多项国家项目、国际合作项目及企业合作项目,包括国家科技支撑计划项目、国家863项目、自然基金重点项目、丹麦科技创新部项目、北京市项目、IBM公司项目等,发表论文六十余篇,获发明专利一项,软件著作权二项。获得2012年北京大学教学成果一等奖,2008、2011年度“IBM中国优秀教师奖”获得者,获得教育部-IBM 高校合作项目优秀教师奖。担任中国计算机学会服务计算专业委员会委员,全国自动化系统与集成标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC159/SC5)委员。担任信息与控制期刊编委,International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET) 期刊编委,分别担任ICSS/ICWS/ICEBE/CCF NCSC等会议的程序委员会委员、组委会主席、分会主席、Panel List等。
中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所 博士
IBM CRL 访问学者
- 《服务计算与系统》
- 《应用开发与运作平台》
- 《服务计算与大数据技术》
- 《管理与信息系统》
- 《IT业务管理与技术》
- 服务计算
- 情境感知
- 智慧养老与健康管理
- 面向价值的软件服务方法论:理论、方法及应用,国家自然科学基金重点项目,子课题负责人,2011.1-2014.12
- 基于本体的集成服务系统,国家高技术研究发展计划( 863计划) 项目,课题负责人,2007.10-2009.9
- Services in Context(情境感知服务),丹麦科技创新部资助项目,课题负责人,2010.1-2013.4
- 空调物联网远程控制实体机研究开发,广东美的制冷设备有限公司项目,课题负责人,2012.4-2014.6
- 基于信息通信技术的社区服务创新建模分析技术研发,北京市科研院科技创新工程项目,课题负责人,2010.1-2010.12
- Context services for supporting IoT Application on IBM SaaS platform, IBM China Research Lab项目, 课题负责人,2011.1-2012.1
- IBM SaaS平台上支持IoT应用的情境感知服务,IBM 中国研究院项目,课题负责人,2010.9-2011.8
- An investigation for hosted development platforms and tools, IBM China Research Lab项目, 课题负责人,2009.9-2010.8
- Call for Implementation, IBM China Research Lab项目,课题负责人,2007.7-2008.6
- CRL Operation Transformation Solutions based on IBM products, IBM China Research Lab项目, 课题负责人,2005.5-2006.12
- 软件与服务工程,教育部高等学校特色专业建设,负责人,2007.9-2010.5
- 学分银行系统的研究与应用,教育部网络教育数字化学习资源中心建设项目子课题,课题骨干,2008.3–2011.2
- 支持SaaS业务配置与服务协同的流程与规则引擎研发, 电子信息产业发展基金, 课题骨干,2009-2010
- 面向服务的供应链协同管理系统,国家863项目,课题骨干,2009-2011
- 2008年度 “IBM中国优秀教师奖”
- 2010教育部-IBM 高校合作项目“优秀教师奖”
- 2011年度 “IBM中国优秀教师奖”
- 2012年北京大学教学成果一等奖
- 李伟平,王武生,莫同,张志超,褚伟杰,吴中海,情境计算研究综述,计算机研究与发展,2015,52(2), 542-552.
- Li Weiping, Mo Tong, Chu Weijie, Huang Ying, A Study of the Education Practice of Software Service Engineering as a Discipline, ICSS 2013, April 11, Shenzhen, China.pp155-159. (EI)
- Wang Wusheng,Li Weiping and Wu Zhonghai,A Process Calculus for Context-aware Systems, SCC 2013(EI)
- Zhichao Zhang_, Shaoqiu Zheng_y, Weiping Liz, Ying Tan_y, Zhonghai Wuz, Wei Tan, Genetic Algorithm for Context-Aware Service Composition Based on Context Space Model, ICWS 2013 (EI)
- 褚伟杰,李伟平,张丹武,张炜琛,一个传感器网络服务网关的设计与实现, 计算机技术与发展,2013.1,13-17
- 莫同, 王雪丽, 褚伟杰, 李伟平, 吴中海,情境感知环境下一种基于扩展FP-TREE的服务推荐方法,华中科技大学学报,已录用
- Zhichao Zhang, Shaoqiu Zheng, Weiping Li, Ying Tan, Zhonghai Wu, Wei Tan, Leveraging Genetic Algorithm to Compose Web Services in a Context-Aware Environment, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (SMC2013), the Cybernetics track, October 13–16, 2013, Manchester, UK,to be appear.
- 李伟平,林慧苹,孙亚红, 基于规则引擎的情境感知供应链采购决策研究, 计算机工程,2012,Vol.38 No.6,7-9
- Chu Weijie, Mo Tong, Cui Jie, Wang Yuan, Xu Jingmin, Li Weiping, etc, A Context-aware Services Development Model, International Joint Conference of Service Sciences, 2012 (IJCSS2012) (EI)
- Zhichao Zhang, Weiping Li, Zhonghai Wu, Wei Tan, Towards an Automata-based Semantic Web Services Composition Method in Context-aware Environment, 2012 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Services Computing(scc 2012), 320-327. (EI)
- 莫同,褚伟杰, 李伟平, 吴中海,一种基于超图的微博群落感知方法,西安交通大学学报,2012, vol 46, no.11
- John Paulin Hansen, Arne John Glenstrup, Wang Wusheng, Li Weiping, Wu Zhonghai, Collecting location-based voice messages on a TalkingBadge, NordiCHI ’12, October 14-17, 2012 Copenhagen, Denmark
- 李伟平,褚伟杰,杨维强,刘诗童,一种支持SOA系统开发的服务注册库,小型微型计算机系统,2011,Vo 32,No. 1,pp34-38
- 李伟平,高福亮,祝旭巍等,一种基于语义的服务搜索方法,小型微型计算机系统,2011,Vol.32,No.9, pp1728-1733.
- 李伟平,林慧苹,莫同,褚伟杰,云制造中的关键技术分析,《制造业自动化》,2011,第1期,7-10
- Li Weiping, Lin Huiping, Context-aware Services for Supply Chain Collaboration, The 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA2011), June 21 -23, 2011, Beijing, China (EI )
- 李伟平,情境感知服务创造智慧生活,中国计算机学会通讯,2011 年 6 月,第 7 卷 第 6 期, 12-15.
- 李伟平,王忠杰,服务联网:网络功能新形态,北大商业评论,2011 No.87,PP20-24
- 莫同, 李伟平, 吴中海, 褚伟杰,一种情境感知服务系统框,计算机学报,2010(11),pp2084—2092. (EI)
- Wang Wusheng, Li Weiping, Wu Zhonghai, Chu Weijie, Mo Tong,An Ontology-based Context Model for Building Context-aware Services, Second International conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, January 24, 2011 (EI)
- Huiping Lin, Xuwei Zhu, Weiping Li, and et al. SCCS-A Supply Chain Collaboration Service. Applied Mechanics and Materials. Accepted. 3rd International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, ICMTMA 2011, January 6, 2011 - January 7, 2011, Shanghai, China(EI)
- Jie Cui, Jing Min Xu, Huiping Lin, Weiping Li, Zi Mu Sun: A Study of Rapid Business Application Development in the Cloud. HCI (9) 14th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 9-14 July 2011, Orlando, Florida, USA ,398-407(EI)
- Weijie Chu, Weiping Li, Tong Mo, Zhonghai Wu, "A Context-Source Abstraction Layer for Context-aware Middleware, 2011 Eighth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations(ITNG2011), Las Vegas, Nevada USA ,2011, April 11- 13 pp. 1064-1065(EI)
- Huiping Lin, Xuwei Zhu, Pengfei Wang, Xiaohui Dong, and Weiping Li, A Service Oriented Supply Chain CollaborationSystem for SMEs, The 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA2011), June 21 -23, 2011, Beijing, China (EI)
- Tong Mo, Weiping Li, Weijie Chu, Zhonghai Wu,An Event Driven Model for Context-aware Service,icws 2011, Washington DC, USA,7/4-7/9, 2011:740-741 (EI)
- 莫同, 褚伟杰,李伟平等, 一种基于情境感知事件的主动服务发现方法,软件学报,2011,22(zk2):41-51.(EI)
- Li Weiping, Chu Weijie, Frank Tung, Wu Zhonghai,An integrated practice lab course for service engineering,IEEE电子商务与电子政务国际会议(ICEE2010), May 7-9, 2010, guangzhou, China (EI)
- Weiping Li, Zhichao Zhang, Si Wu, Zhonghai Wu,An implementation of the SaaS Level-3 maturity model for A Credit Bank Information System,ICSS 2010, 2010, May13-14,Hangzhou,(EI)
- Weiping Li, Weijie Chu, Frank Tung, Zhonghai Wu , A Uniform Device Information Access for Context-aware Middleware, 2010 IEEE 8th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2010), July 5-10, 2010, Miami, Florida, USA (EI)
- Ni Yulin,Si Huayou, Li Weiping, Chen Zhong, PDUS: P2P-based Distributed UDDI Service Discovery Approach, ICSS 2010, 2010, May13-14,Hangzhou,(EI)
- Tong Mo, Weiping Li, Weijie Chu, Zhonghai Wu, CABS3: Context-awareness Based Smart Service System, In proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Wireless communications, Neworking & Mobile Computing, September 23-25, 2010, Chengdu, China. (EI)
- Li Weiping, Chu Weijie, Gao Fuliang, etc., A Framework for ontology-based service discovery and composition, ICSS2009, 2009, 14-15 May, Beijing. (EI)
- Li Weiping, Chu Weijie, Liu Ying, Call For Implementation: a new software development mode for leveraging the resources of open community, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2009, Vol2. No.1., :34-39
- Weiping Li, Yushun Fan,A time management method in workflow management system, Proceedings of the Workshop at Conference Grid and Pervasive Computing 2009, 4-8 May 2009, pp.3-10, Geneva, Switzerland(EI 收录 20093712306007)
- Li Weiping, Chu Weijie, Liu Li, Gao Fuliang, "A Semantically Enhanced Service Repository for Service Oriented Application System Development," services-2, pp.41-48, 2009 World Conference on Services - II, September 21-25, 2009, Bangalore, India (EI 收录 20095312586281)
- Li Weiping, An analysis of new features for workflow system in the SaaS software, Proceeding of 2009 International Conference on Interaction Sciences: Information Technology, Culture and Human (2 nd ICIS), 2009, 11, Seoul, Korea, pp110-114
- Huiping Lin, Weiping Li, Wu Si, Service in Education: Education Credit Bank System , ICSS2009, 2009, 14-15 May, Beijing. (The Best paper of ICSS 2009)
- Jørgen Staunstrup, Frank Tung, Yu Lian, Li Weiping, etc., Services in Context,ICSS2009, 2009, 14-15 May, Beijing.
- Li Weiping, Chu Weijie, Zhou Nan, etc.,A Case Study on Call For Implementation,2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering,Wuhan,2008,1213-14. (EI)
- 褚伟杰,李伟平,Study of integrating RFID middleware with enterprise applications based on SOA,International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Sciences 2008 10,dalian(EI)
- 褚伟杰,李伟平,基于SOA的RFID中间件集成应用,计算机工程2008年7月,Vol 34, No.14, 84-86
- Frank C. Tung, Li Weiping, and William Chan, A Software Engineering Curriculum for Logistics/Supply Chain Management, The Third China-Europe International Symposium on Software Industry-Oriented Education (CEIS-SIOE 2007), Dublin, Feb 6-7, 2007.
- 李伟平,用SOA实现企业应用集成,企业应用集成系统与技术学术研究会论文集 , 2006 年,昆明
- Weiping Li, Haiqi Liang, Wei Sun, Yang Pan, An Empirical Study of SOA Solution Development with Open Source Software,2006 亚太地区服务科学、管理与工程研讨会,December 1-1, 2006
- 李伟平,范玉顺,工作流系统的异常处理,高技术通讯,2004, vol. 14, No. 12, 50-54.(EI)
- 李伟平,范玉顺,工作流技术在ERP系统中的应用,高技术通讯, 2004, Vol. 14, No. 8, 56-61.(EI)
- 李伟平,范玉顺,基于工作流的项目调度研究,清华大学学报(自然科学版),2004, Vol. 44, No. 10, 1384-1388.(EI)
- Weiping Li, Yushun Fan,Time constraints in workflow models,International Conference on Agile Manufacture 2003(ICAM2003), 261-266, Beijing, Dec, 2003. (EI)
- 李伟平,薛劲松,朱云龙,支持BPR的工作流动态模型实现技术,中国机械工程,2002,Vol.13,No.15,1314-1317.(EI)
- 李伟平,李莉,薛劲松,工作流管理系统实现技术研究,计算机集成制造系统—CIMS,2002,Vol.8, No.3, 202-206. (EI)
- Weiping Li, Yushun Fan,Development of ERP systems based on workflow management system, The Third International Conference on Electronic Commerce Engineering(ICeCE2003), 981-984, Hangzhou, Oct. 2003. (ISTP收录)
- 李伟平,薛劲松,朱云龙,敏捷制造环境下集成化工作流管理系统的设计与实现,信息与控制,2001,Vol.30, No.5,398-402
- Weiping Li, Jingsong Xue, Yunlong Zhu, The Research on Architecture of Enterprise modeling in workflow system, System Modeling & Simulation, 2002,Vol.1, No.1,11-17
- Weiping Li, Jingsong Xue, Yunlong Zhu, The Research on Architecture of Enterprise modeling and modeling method, Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Changsha,2001,9
- 李伟平,薛劲松,朱云龙,一种支持企业过程建模的工作流管理系统,2001年中国智能自动化会议 ( CIAC'2001 ) 昆明,2001,8
- 朱云龙,李伟平,李红信,薛劲松,业务过程重组分析方法研究,中国机械工程,2002,Vol.13, No.10, 887-890. (EI)
- 李莉,李伟平,薛劲松,朱云龙,基于多智能体的虚拟企业的构建及运行研究,中国机械工程,2002,Vol.13, No.6, 477-480. (EI)
- 朱云龙,李伟平, 网络制造管理信息系统的现状与发展趋势,中国管理科学,2000,Vol.8,485-493
- 陈静杰,李伟平,薛劲松,朱云龙,基于知识的供应链决策框架,2001年中国智能自动化会议( CIAC'2001 ),昆明,2001,8
- 李伟平,褚伟杰,北京大学,一种服务发现和组合装置,发明专利,授权号200910091698.1
- 软件著作权:北软多租户电子交易平台系统 著作权号 2008SR 11149 著作权人:yL23411永利官网登录 著作人:李伟平,褚伟杰
软件著作权:情境感知数据采集平台,著作权号 2013SR 125954 著作权人:yL23411永利官网登录 著作人:李伟平,褚伟杰
- IEEE会员,ACM会员,CCF会员,中国计算机学会 服务计算专业委员会 委员
- 中国计算机学会 服务计算专业委员会委员
- 全国自动化系统与集成标准化技术委员会体系结构、通信和集成框架分技术委员会(SAC/TC159/SC5)委员
- International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET)编委
- 《信息与控制》编委
- 程序委员会常务主席, International Conference on Service Sciences
- 组委会主席, 2009,2014 International Conference on Service Sciences
- 程序委员会委员, 2010 IEEE 7th International Conference on e-Business Engineering,2010 IEEE International Conference on Web Services,CCF NCSC 2010-2015,International Conference on Service Sciences(2008-2016),2010 the second International Conference on Service Science and Innovation
- 担任计算机学报、计算机集成制造系统、清华大学学报等期刊审稿人。